The Danish government’s recent decision to abolish all COVID restrictions was met with widespread interest, both domestically and internationally. It was natural that one of the first countries to abolish restrictions got international coverage; what was bizarre was to see Denmark become a poster child for the libertarian right in the US, who emphasized the “small state” nature of the decision.


That is a profound misinterpretation of the situation. Denmark has reached this situation, not because of a lack of belief in the state, but rather the opposite. Specifically, there are three conditions which made it possible.


  • High vaccination rates: 75% of all Danes (including children) are fully vaccinated, one of the highest rates in the world, and significantly higher than the United States. This figure offers an element of confidence that far fewer people will fall seriously ill from COVID.


  • Extensive use of testing: Denmark led the world in testing, particularly during the spring. It was routine for people to be tested (even if not symptomatic) with 10% of the population being tested on a daily basis. This allowed control of the spread of the pandemic to be constantly monitored.


  • Use of vaccine passports: Vaccine passports have been used widely in Denmark during the last six months. This is in stark contrast to countries like the United States and England, where a passport regime has been viewed as unfair and a bridge too far.


Without any one of the three factors outlined above, the pandemic would have taken a different course, and restrictions may not have been abolished. The decision should be seen not on a libertarian basis but the opposite: a controlled and responsible use of state power, which put restrictions on certain liberties in the short term, with the goal of achieving wider opportunities for society in the long run.


None of this means COVID is over. The efficacy of vaccines is reduced against the Delta variant, and the more widespread use of booster shots will need to be considered in the coming months. At the same time, natural spread of the virus can be expected as the weather closes in. All this may require some moderate restrictions to be imposed again. What we can clearly see now, though, is a way forward, and a collective understanding that short-term sacrifices can lead to longer-term improvements.